Monday, March 26, 2007

Subversive Palette


Susan Miller said...

These must be the makings of aliens.

Scott said...

I have no idea what you're talking about. What insane ravings are these?

Susan Miller said...

Okay, aren't you the one that did the Indianapolis (did I even spell that right in my rapid defense of insane ravings)invasion, or was that another blogger? Someone who took tiles and created a vandelism type of creation in his city. No? Okay, insane girl is on the wrong blog.

Did you bold "no idea"?

Scott said...

No, that person was Indy Space Invader and he wears glasses. I don't wear glasses.

Clearly two different people.

Anonymous said...

I heard the Indy Space Invader guy had to quit his hobby because his car didn't get good gas mileage.

Scott said...


Please see my comment on the previous picture regarding your name. :)

Susan Miller said...

Damn, I keep doing that...getting the spectacle wearing indy space invader guy confused with innocent tile carrying, subversive palette picture taking, perfect vision guy.

Say that ten times fast.

My bad.
